New Little Busters!-EX figures will come with Dengeki G’s magazine and Hime

The August and September issue of G’s magazine and Hime will come with the figure from the visual novel game which is re-release as 18+ game “Little Buster! Ecstasy”.

The August of G’s magazine comes with Sasami Sasasegawa figure while Dengeki Hime comes with Kanata Futaki figure. Both are new characters for this version.

The September of G’s magazine comes with Rin Natsume figures and Dengeki Hime comes with Komari Kamikita figures.

The August issue of both magazine will be released on June 30th and the September will be released on July 30th. The price is 990 Yen for G’s magazine and 1150 Yen for Dengeki Hime.

To see the photo of the figure. Click here!

Don’t want to miss any issue. You can subcribe for the magazine from my partner JBOX, J-List and CDjapan.

Dengeki G’s Magazine: CDjapan, JBOX

Dengeki Hime (not for people who are under 18.) : J-List

PS: I want all of them but I must save the money so I pass these.

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