I got it on last Saturday and I’m currently playing it. One of the good JRPG for PS3. For people who don’t know about this special set or the game, you can read about it in this post.
The GS combo set A contains Premium Box game version, soundtrack CD, score book, poster book and visual art book. Check GUST shop website for more info about this combo set.
These are the items which are sealed on the paper board. They are score book, GUST shop leaflet, poster book and clear file. The clear file was a giveaway item for who pay more than 3000 Yen on GUST shop.
Behind of the clear file and score book.
Inside of the score book. The score book contain all of instruments parts.
Behind of the soundtrack CD and visual art book.
The game box is the same version as the normal version.
The crystal paper weight.
I found these pictures on DVD Game Online forum. They’re belonged to the user named YaKiZoBa. He got all of the items released with the game. I envy him al little :-).
This is the mail box that contained the item you ordered from GUST shop. Mine was got rid of by agent who ordered this item for me because they couldn’t send it to Thailand.
Sexy phone card. This phone card was given to who make the reservation of the game from the shops excluding Amazon and GUST shop.
This is the rough review of Rorona no Atelier GS combo set. Please look forward to the full review of this game. I plan to write its review and this game playing diary.
Edit: I’m lazy to write the game playing post so I will write my first playing in the next review post but you can track my playing in my Twitter instead. So people who follow it, don’t think that I tweet some weird things.
You can get this game from Play-Asia and soundtrack CD from CD JAPAN.
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