Tag Archives: the brilliant green

Yellow Haro & the brilliant green’s new PV


The new opening song for Gundam 00 by my favorite band ” the brilliant green”. The song is good but not great as many their hit songs 10 years ago. Ash Like Snow’s (Ah! Engrish again tommy-chan) sound is the mixture between the old the brilliant green + Tommy Heavenly sound but more modern style.  I haven’t seen the lyric yet but I think Gundam fans don’t judge this  song only its sound (I know many Gundam fans may like something like TM revolution.) and PV.

After all it’s good thing to see Tomoko and the band again.

The Haro in VDO is also made into the toy. It can move and talk like in anime and you can use it as alarm clock too. More pictures at Amiami.com .