Japan Trip 2 : Morning at Tokyo DisneySea

Tokyo DisneySea - Mysterious Island

I went to Journey to the Center of the Earth’s FASTPASS but my pending time on the first FP hasn’t ended yet. So I rested until the time had come.

The FASTPASS pending time is about 2 hours after the first one is issued. If you use your FASTPASS or it’s expired, you can issue the new one.

Tokyo DisneySea - Mysterious Island

There is the famous snack in this zone. It’s Refreshment Station’s Gyoza Dog. The queue is longer than other snack vendors.

Tokyo DisneySea - Gyoza Dog

I waited for half an hour. Finally I got it.

Tokyo DisneySea - Gyoza Dog

It’s like a steam bun with gyoza meat inside.

Tokyo DisneySea - 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea

I checked the waiting time from my phone. Saw 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea had the shortest queue. I went to it immediately.

Tokyo DisneySea - 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea

In this attraction you will get on the submarine (shown above) to explore the deep sea. I think it doesn’t really submerge. It has some kind of trick in its windows.

Tokyo DisneySea - Arabian Coast

I walked to Arabian Coast  by chance. Nothing interest me so I left.

Tokyo DisneySea - StormRider

I checked the waiting time again then went to the StormRider queue.

Tokyo DisneySea - StormRider

StormRider  is the 4D cinema. I don’t spoil about its story but you have to look after your electronics devices. There is the real water inside.

That’s all of the morning in Tokyo DisneySea. I will write about my lunch in TDS next time. Please look forward to it.

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