Tag Archives: Figures

Alter releases Persona 3 Kirijo Mitsuru figure.

Kirijo Mitsuru figure
see the full size

This figure is must have for Persona Fan (like me) and her fan. The scale is 1/8 and 210 height. From the photo, the figure is very full of detail and the face is looked good but slightly younger than the  original design. The arm can interchangeable. Her sword and Evolker also come with her.

Kirijo Mitsuru figure will be release on June. You can preorder it from Play-Asia.

PS. I’m very sad that I didn’t bought Aegis figure. I promise to myself not to miss this Kirijo figure.

GA Graphic updated the Chouyusha Haruhi figure photos!

Chouyusha Haruhi Figma

GA Graphic updated the photos of Chouyusha Haruhi figure which will come with PS2 game “Suzumiya Haruhi no Tomadoi” by Banpresto. So you will have more idea of Figma system. I thought the prototype is great. the joints are looked strong and can pose many action. The game will be released on 31st January next year so Haruhi fan don’t miss this.

You can get it from Play-Asia.