Japan Trip 3 : Morioka

Morioka Castle - Sannomaru

I was on the third highest level of the castle called Sannomaru.

Morioka Castle - Eboshiiwa

The stone worshiped by Sakurayamam Shrine below.

Morioka Castle - Shimo-kuruwa

The last slope brought me to the ground level area of the castle called Shimo-kuruma. Nowaday it’s a shopping district area.

I found out later that in the past people who visit the castle will go through the gate here then go uphill through each levels castle to the keep.

Sakuyama Shrine

Sakurayama Shrine is on the ground level of the castle.

Morioka Castle - Moat

There was a construction near the moat.

Morioka Courthouse

Other than Morioka Castle. There is another important attraction which is in Morioka Courthouse.


In the front of Morioka Courthouse is the place of Ishiwarizakura or Rock-Breaking Cherry Tree. It is registered to be National Treasure.

I think it will very beautiful if I go to see it in cherry blossom season. You see only green in rainy season.

Kitakami River

Walk across Kitakami River back to the station. Cloud was still thick so I couldn’t see Mount Iwate.

Morioka Station - Tourist Information Center

JR East had the free gift campaign for JR East Pass holder in each towns in Tohoku . For Morioka it can be taken at Tourist Information Center in Morioka Station. The gift was only 1 postcard but staff also gave me NTT East Wi-Fi card.

Next time I will write about riding train to Miyako. The another city in Iwate. Please look forward to it.

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