A guest book is in the corner full of pictures drawn by famous people.
This guitar has the signature of Yoshihide Otomo who is Amachan music composer on it.
You can wear these ama uniform to be taken photos like Aki and Yui.
If you don’t like ama uniform. Uniforms of duo idol unit Shiosai no Memory are also available.
This corner also has tourist information leaflets and sell snacks, beverage and souvenirs.
Now it’s time to eat the unidon with a zero cafeine tea Asahi 16CHA in my room.
I unwrapped a blue paper and found a wood pattern paper under it. Make the bento more luxury. After remove it I could finally see unidon in black foam black which is wrapped by plastic.
Sea urchin on the top of rice is cooked. So they are in piece instead of liquid like the fresh one on sushi.
The taste lived up to my expectation. Sea urchin is a little salty. The pickled and lemon taste went along with it. Overall the taste is delicious so I forget the taste of sea urchin sushi I ate at Midori Sushi.
Next time I will write how I rode to Kosode Coast where ama divers are here. Please look forward to it.
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