Tag Archives: News

GA Graphic updated the Chouyusha Haruhi figure photos!

Chouyusha Haruhi Figma

GA Graphic updated the photos of Chouyusha Haruhi figure which will come with PS2 game “Suzumiya Haruhi no Tomadoi” by Banpresto. So you will have more idea of Figma system. I thought the prototype is great. the joints are looked strong and can pose many action. The game will be released on 31st January next year so Haruhi fan don’t miss this.

You can get it from Play-Asia.

Roland US revealed the new PCR-series manual.

Edirol PCR-800

I has been looking for MIDI controller for 2 years and I still didn’t buy any because I don’t find any good controllers that suit my need and I don’t have enough money to buy them. (If I remember right the next four month, the items I ordered will come and I must go to pay for them.)

While I really like the function and the key of Novation SL 61 I saw the new PCR-800 (61 keys, 300 for 32keys and 500 for 49 keys) I think it’s looked good 18 pads (can use as buttons), transport buttons, 3 buttons,9 knobs, 9 slider, 1 cross fader (Sure, for their partner VJ software Motiondive.Tokyo) and auto mapping. Oh great! Price is cheaper than Novation and its weight is lighter than Novation.

Ok! I downloaded manual and find many interesting things:
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StudioGU released the demo version of Angel’s Tale.

Angel's Tale

After StudioGU announced that the studio first game “Angel’s Tale” will be released on April 28th at Comic Party 5th event. They released the demo version of the game to give players the taste of game before they buy the full version.

The link for download is here. Don’t hotlink the file. Thanks.
The event link is here.

PS. The language in the game is Thai and I haven’t play it yet. Use at your own risk. If you have the problem running it you can post here.

Cuvie’s manga is now in Thailand.

Dorotea vol.1 cover

Yesterday I saw the manga release date by Bongkoch who has almost licenses of shoujo manga and some licenses from Kadokawa and Mag Garden in Thailand. I’m bored because of this week there aren’t any interest manga from it but I saw the name “DOROTHEA โดโรธี ยอดสาวปราบทรชน” so I’m sure that it is “ドロテア~魔女の鉄鎚~” by Cuvie.

Dorotea Vol.2 cover

For who don’t know who is Cuvie. Cuvie is mangaka who write many Hentai comic in Japan. The thing that make me like his (or her I don’t know.) works is the girls he draw are very cute and his techniques are also great compare with other works. I think Dorothea is his first non-hentai work.

For Dorothea I read some scan from the book. The story may be about Dorothea who is half-devil or something. I don’t know any further than this because my Japanese isn’t strong but it’s looked interesting me.

The first book will be released on 9th this month. The cost is 40 Baht.(about 1 US Dollar.) at the book stores in Thailand.