Japan Trip 2 : Nogizaka46 Individual Handshake Event

Round 1 Hoshino Minami, 2 tickets


I was 5th – 6th people in the queue so I didn’t wait for a long time to meet her in the large t-shirt.

Me : Hello. I’m fan from Thailand. (Stutter)

Hoshimina : ……………. (She told me something with her little voice.)

Me : I’m rooting for you.

Hoshimina : ……………. Thank you.

Me : Uh… Your clothes is cute. (Pulled by staff.)

Hoshimina : Thank you very much.

I was so excited this round although I’ve already passed 2 handshake events before this. I wasn’t sure that Hoshimina was fully awake or not. Her voice is very little and her hands is very cold. Colder than me.

While I was in the queue. I saw fans who decorated the lane sang happy birthday song to Seitan while she walked into her lane.

Nogizaka46 Barrette Individual Handshake Event

After that I went to buy official good. However seller began selling late. There weren’t many people in front of me but the deadline for handshake round 2 was almost over. So I left the queue and went to handshake zone instead.

Round 2 Ikuta Erika, 1 ticket.


She was in monotone clothes. Looked very mature. Other members told her that she’s old fashion in Nogizakatte, Doko but I think she’s looked best in these.

Me : Hello. Do you remember me the fan from Thailand ?

Ikuchan : … (Tried to recall.)

Me : At Yokohama.

Ikuchan : Ah.

Me : I will go back to my home today. (Pulled by staff.) I’m always rooting for you. Bye Bye.

Ikuchan : Thank you very much.

Ikuchan is very friendly. I was very happy when talking with her since she’s my kami-oshi.

Makuhari Messe - GARDEN COURT

All members rested after round 2. So I had my lunch at GARDEN COURT in Makuhari Messe.

Makuhari Messe - GARDEN COURT

I had a normal hayashi rice. Nothing special like the one from Rengatei.


Then continued with TOKYO BANANA bought in the morning.

Nogizaka46 Barrette Individual Handshake Event

I went back to the event and found that the round 3 hadn’t begun yet. So I went to buy photos at the official good. I got the set I missed on the last event. However the newest was sold out.

After members came back to handshake zone. The round 3 began.

Round 3 Ikoma Rina, 2 tickets.


Have you ever experience somethings like the tomboy girl you see her face everyday th one day she changed to a cute girl ? That was my feeling when I saw Ikoma-chan went to her booth and waiting to her fan.

Me : Hello. I’m Thailand fan from last event.

Ikoma : Ah… Oh.

Me : Do you get the present ? (I gave her a present on the last event.)

Ikoma : I got it. Thank you.

Me : I look forward to your long hair.

Me : (She seems happy) Thank you very much. I begin having it.

Me : (Pulled by staff.) I’m always rooting for you. Bye Bye.

Ikoma : (Waves her hands.)

I was impressed by her cute. I usually called her “uncle” when I talked about her. After this event I should stop it.


It didn’t have anything to do after round 3 ended. I got out from the hall and surf the internet from my Surface. Waiting for the round 4 to begin.

I went back to the event again around 10 minutes before round 4 began. Saw Sayunyan was taken photograph with her fans that celebrate her birthday. She came with the staff and 2 guards that look like Agent 47 from Hitman. Looked after her from afar.

Round 4 Hori Miona, 2 tickets.


When I bought the ticket. I though hard if I should buy Hocchan ticket or not. Since I want to know why she was chosen to be the center on 7th single. I bought her tickets.

Me : Hello. I’m the fan from Thailand.

Hocchan : ……………. (Looked at my face.)

Me : ……………. (Looked at her face.)

Hocchan : ……………. (Still looked my face.)

Me : … I’m rooting for you. Your clothes is very cute.

Hocchan : Oh! Thank you very much.

I didn’t talk much to her because she didn’t talked back to me. So we looked each others until the time was almost over. I think she may be talkative. Overall I was convinced she’s good enough to be the center.

Makuhari Messe

Although the event didn’t end. I got out from Makuhari Messe because I didn’t buy any round 5 ticket. I was afraid that if I continued in round 5. I might miss the plane. Also 7,000 yen for tickets is enough for me.

Kaihimmakuhari Station

Walked about half a kilometer again to Kaihimmakuhari Station and took the same train back to Tokyo.

I think it’s a very good experience to attend the handshake event of favorite idol group. Although I don’t remember how the handshake with members feel except Hoshimina whose her hand is very cold. If I have a chance, I want to attend the event again.

Next time I will write about JR Tokyo Station. Please look forward to it.

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