Japan Trip 2 : Nogizaka46 National Handshake Event at Yokohama

Nogizaka46 Barrette National Handshake Event

There is the area for guests to rest and exchange their photo collections.

Nogizaka46 Barrette National Handshake Event

Some used this area for promoting their favorite member.

Nogizaka46 Barrette National Handshake Event

Tower Records also sells the single CD for those who are out of tickets.

Nogizaka46 Barrette National Handshake Event

I also prepared the present for Ikoma-chan. I went to information desk for pass the present to her. I also learn the additional rule for present. Its price can’t be over 10,000 yen. Let members buy brand name goods by themselves.

Nogizaka46 Barrette National Handshake Event

Then I was in the queue for buying official goods. The waiting time is longer than the one in handshake lane. There is separate lane for Rakuten’s Edy card user. It has less people than the normal lane.

Nogizaka46 Barrette National Handshake Event

Here’s goods sold in this event.

Nogizaka46 Barrette National Handshake Event

The Barrette photo set was sold out when I reached the counter. So I bought everything that were available as this event souvenir.

I waited in the event until the event ended around 5 PM. People began to left the venue but I needed to stay for Ensky event around 6 PM. Then staffs let’s people who get the invitation card to the lane indicate on the card.

Nogizaka46 Barrette National Handshake Event

The staff explained the detail of this event. Member will handed the special present only. No handshake.

Nogizaka46 Barrette National Handshake Event

The members for each lanes chose by lottery. I feel sorry for people who get the earlier lanes invitation by auction. I saw them were auctioned at very high price.

Mine is lane no.3 where Nanamin and Maaya stood. Meeting Nanamin in the flesh. Received the present from her is the best.

Japan Trip #2 - part 7

Then it’s time to leave the Pacifico Yokohama. I expected to see more people in this special event.

Japan Trip #2 - part 7

Walked back to QUEEN’S EAST for beginning the night trip in Yokohama.

Last I want to say thank you to my friends on Twitter. Without their advices I don’t have a chance to be here. Next time I will write about Yokohama Akarenga Souko where is nearby the event venue.

11 thoughts on “Japan Trip 2 : Nogizaka46 National Handshake Event at Yokohama

  1. Pingback: Unpack Nogizaka46 1ST YEAR BIRTHDAY LIVE 2013.2.22 MAKUHARI MESSE Blu-ray Limited Edition

  2. Pingback: Japan Trip 2 : Nippon Maru Memorial Park in Minato Mirai 21, Yokohama

  3. Pingback: Japan Trip 2 : Nogizaka46 Individual Handshake Event | Silhouette Garden

  4. Pingback: Japan Trip 3 : Meiji Shrine & Ebichu Hall Tour 2015 goods sale | Silhouette Garden

  5. Haruto

    So, to attend the National HS event, we just bring the tickets from any limited edition singles to the venue right? There’s no need to do reservation, etc??

  6. Colin

    What does one ticket give you in terms of handshake time? I have two from the latest single, so do I need to exchange one for the mini-live and use the other for one handshake lane?

    1. AT1987 Post author

      If it haven’t changed.

      A duration for one ticket is 3 seconds per member. Also the live ticket can be used as handshake ticket.

      Recently I see the ticket can be exchanged for a poster in the event too.

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  8. Pingback: Japan Trip 2 : Nippon Maru Memorial Park in Minato Mirai 21, Yokohama | Silhouette Garden

  9. Pingback: Unpack Nogizaka46 1ST YEAR BIRTHDAY LIVE 2013.2.22 MAKUHARI MESSE Blu-ray Limited Edition | Silhouette Garden

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