Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen

Chevlolet AVEO Transformers

Hi. Last week I went to KRUNGSRI IMAX to see Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen but I never have time to write about it due to I had to prepare for driving license exam. I have just finished the exam so I continue to write about it.

In Thailand Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen started showing on June 23rd at 17.00 but IMAX version stared at 20.30. Tickets are sold out. It’s very unusual for IMAX version film in Thailand. Luckily I got the tickets through Thai Ticket Major service.

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PLAY Meeting & Cosplay

PLAY Magazine vol.1 Thailand Edition

Last week I went to PLAY Meeting & Cosplay which is the new console game magazine introduction event. It’s  play magazine Thai Edition. It’s published by Future Gamer. This magazine is replaced the EGM Thai Edition which is the magazine owner stop publishing. So the FG team  bought publishing right from play magazine to publish it in Thai.

The event took place on June 14th at Akiba Kiss  that is the most famous maid kissa in Thailand. The shop is on 7th floor of Central World Plaza.

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Rorona no Atelier Premium Box cover update


I didn’t check the Rorona no Atelier news for a long time. Last time I checked it on the first week of May for reserved the Premium Box. Now GUST is revealing the cover for Premium Box version of this game. (I can’t find the high quality picture so I used the picture from Play-Asia instead.)

GUST also revealed the cover for the original soundtrack and visual art book. The visual book is only come with the combo set sold by GUST Shop in Japan.

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Alter’s Gwendolyn of ODIN SPHERE

Alter’s Gwendolyn of ODIN SPHERE

I haven’t written a figure review for a long time. It wasn’t that I didn’t buy any but I’m very busy with my senior project and tests. That why I didn’t updated this blog too. Today I want to present you the very beautiful figure from Alter. It’s Gwendolyn from ODIN SPHERE.

In Thailand we give the nickname to Gwendolyn. It’s Ginnara but this word is  Ginnaree in Thai. The shop I bought (Hobby Hour – GSC dealer) also wrote this word on the bill when I ordered her.

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