Tag Archives: News

New Little Busters!-EX figures will come with Dengeki G’s magazine and Hime

The August and September issue of G’s magazine and Hime will come with the figure from the visual novel game which is re-release as 18+ game “Little Buster! Ecstasy”.

The August of G’s magazine comes with Sasami Sasasegawa figure while Dengeki Hime comes with Kanata Futaki figure. Both are new characters for this version.

The September of G’s magazine comes with Rin Natsume figures and Dengeki Hime comes with Komari Kamikita figures.

The August issue of both magazine will be released on June 30th and the September will be released on July 30th. The price is 990 Yen for G’s magazine and 1150 Yen for Dengeki Hime.

To see the photo of the figure. Click here!

Don’t want to miss any issue. You can subcribe for the magazine from my partner JBOX, J-List and CDjapan.

Dengeki G’s Magazine: CDjapan, JBOX

Dengeki Hime (not for people who are under 18.) : J-List

PS: I want all of them but I must save the money so I pass these.

No more Yotsubato!

Alone in the Dark

From this link.

NED who is the company publishing Yotsubato! Thai edition, decided to stop publish Yotsubato! because it aren’t sold well. This action made many fans angry. This is not the first manga which NED abandons. Saikano, Tenjho Tenge and others are abandoned too because the contents aren’t suitable for minor (who are the largest customers of manga in Thailand.) or they aren’t sold well.

NED is not the one who stop publish the manga which isn’t end. All major publishers in Thailand usually do it for many reason. Angelic Layer’s stop published because the publisher broke the contact. GANTZ’s reason is the same as Saikano and Tenjo Tenge. (Sex and Nude)

I’m very sad when I know this news but I can read little Japanese and Japanese edition of Yotsubato! isn’t hard to read. Only problem is it’s very expensive.

Source: here and here. (All are in Thai.)

Alter releases Persona 3 Kirijo Mitsuru figure.

Kirijo Mitsuru figure
see the full size

This figure is must have for Persona Fan (like me) and her fan. The scale is 1/8 and 210 height. From the photo, the figure is very full of detail and the face is looked good but slightly younger than the  original design. The arm can interchangeable. Her sword and Evolker also come with her.

Kirijo Mitsuru figure will be release on June. You can preorder it from Play-Asia.

PS. I’m very sad that I didn’t bought Aegis figure. I promise to myself not to miss this Kirijo figure.

eb!コレ+ Kimikiss


Enterbrain re-released their hit love-sim game Kimikiss again. For people like me who can’t find the game to buy (legal or illegal copy) or people who have just watch the anime and want to play game, is a very good news.

The game is the same as the one they release before but for people who reserved this game before it’s released will get the stuff DVD which is full of the side story game and drama cd (in MP3 format) that used to release with many magazines (such as Tech Gain) at the time which game was released. There is also the new omake game for the upcoming valentine day “Eriko’s chocolate and workshop”. For many Kimikiss fan who can’t get those stuff, now you can get it easier and cheaper. For who have already owned the game, you may want the new omake game.

Kimikiss eb!コレ+ will be released on the upcoming valentine day. (This year valentine day is very busy day because Nagato Yuki figma will also be release on this day.) I have already ordered it.

Don’t miss the PV here!

You can get it at Play-Asia.

Yellow Haro & the brilliant green’s new PV


The new opening song for Gundam 00 by my favorite band ” the brilliant green”. The song is good but not great as many their hit songs 10 years ago. Ash Like Snow’s (Ah! Engrish again tommy-chan) sound is the mixture between the old the brilliant green + Tommy Heavenly sound but more modern style.  I haven’t seen the lyric yet but I think Gundam fans don’t judge this  song only its sound (I know many Gundam fans may like something like TM revolution.) and PV.

After all it’s good thing to see Tomoko and the band again.

The Haro in VDO is also made into the toy. It can move and talk like in anime and you can use it as alarm clock too. More pictures at Amiami.com .